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About Us

Help Others Foundation is focused on helping starving children, homeless veterans and supplying housing and clothing in addition to food to both groups.

It was formed in 2023 to help in the constant battle for food and housing in the State of Michigan.

The founders are focused on humanitarian support in this increasingly expensive inflationary period. Children and veterans are both an underserved part of the population. They both lack the ability to earn income and support themselves today. Children who are orphaned or veterans who have benefits can't survive independently without another source of income. The foundation will process donations from many donors and then send aid directly to other charities focused on these two groups of people.

Children are at risk and are the future of this great country . Veterans put their lives on the line for the defense of this country by serving in the military whether in active duty or State side in other capacities. They put their life in peril wtih a love for this country.

Help Others Foundation is a 501c3 that was granted that status by the IRS and the State of Michigan to carry out that purpose. This website allows for donors to make easy transfers to carry out the purpose stated above for the benefit of the future of the society . Our focus is on the State of Michigan currently and we intend to pursue those causes to help out children at risk and veterans at risk.

HELP OTHERS FOUNDATION is Michigan based and licensed but will work with National Charities to assist children and veterans.

Children are the future of our society and need to be fed, educated and given a good chance to excel with their God given talents.


What We Do

Food & Shelter

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Medicine & Medical

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Food & Shelter

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