About Us

We are a dedicated non-profit to help the homeless and under privileged in the USA for food, housing and the basic amenities needed in life.

Our focus is to raise funds and disperse to other non profits or directly to families, single men and women for their everyday needs like food,housing, and clothing.

Our mission is to help the less fortunate and give them a helping hand.

We are looking for volunteers in Michigan to distribute food in 2024. Our website will be presenting some opportunities with dates and locations for upcoming events.

The cost of living and the runaway inflation which is the highest in more than 40 years has caused millions to become homeless, hungry and the social net the government funds is overwhelmed.

Many billions are being spent and we know that much more needs to be done in the USA.

The millions of illegal immigrants flooding across the border has impacted the funds that would otherwise be available for USA citizens. We are focused to help veterans, homeless US citizens and the hungry into the future.

Please consider donating for this unending social service storm to alleviate in a small way the effect of the devastating economic conditions that many are experiencing .

I don't have any other links or content at this time.

I don't have an address to disclose other than the email address. I hope there is a way in the future to insert a way for people to make online donations.

  • Rising Food
    & Water

  • Medicine
    & Human Health

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